With the onset of a recession that some are calling the worst crisis to have impacted the world economy in more than 70 years, diamond companies can find a new way to present themselves to an international audience without stretching their financial capacity.
EasyStock Lite, created by an Israeli based software developer, provides diamond companies the ability to create a corporate website allowing them to offer up to 100 diamonds for sale online.

Yahalom Creative Solutions (YCS) said its latest offering is a more limited adaptation of its multi-faceted EasyStock application - a stock management and online sales system that interfaces seamlessly with standard accounting and database software.
"In these difficult times, we realized that many diamond companies are searching for effective but inexpensive means of reaching the markets," said Moshe Elkayam, CEO of YCS, adding the system is "cheap, effective and very easy to use.”

“EasyStock Lite is designed specifically for smaller firms that wish to offer an immediate selection of their stock online. Then, at a later stage, if they want to expand their online presence, they can easily upgrade to one of EasyStock's more comprehensive packages," Elkayam said.
Source: www.polishedprices.com